FAQ/ Contact

Save time and money with bundled service plans that fit your budget and schedule.

Contact us for all your service needs and be on your way to building a great relationship with a company you can trust.


Are you frustrated with the services you are getting with your home or facility?

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Do you know where to go to get all of your service needs covered in one place?

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How confident are you that you’re getting the best rates for your service needs?

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Do I have to move all of my furniture?

NO. We will happily move furniture. The general rule is if the furniture is fixed or permanent eg: heavy wardrobe, sideboard, bookcase, it is easier to clean around the item, and if the carpet has never been walked on this makes it easier for the customer. Everyday items eg: 3 piece suite, tables can stay in the room and are easily moved to one side whilst we clean under them, and then the items moved back again, we kindly ask that you move all small items, personal possessions, clothing, children’s toys etc., for insurance reasons we are unable to move any heavy, large or fragile furniture, any electrical equipment or goods of high value.

Contact Info

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5000 Centregreen Way Ste. 500
Cary, North Carolina 27513

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